Advantages and Disadvantages of a Stethoscope

Stethoscopes continue to maintain the same role as they have for the past 200 years--namely that of a fundamental yet extremely important tool to allow medical professionals to immediately spot breathing, heart and other abnormalities in patients. The stethoscope is even taking on a new look with electronic versions that are gaining in popularity. Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of stethoscopes will help people to appreciate this intricate device.
  1. Main Advantage

    • The overall advantage of a stethoscope is that it allows medical professionals to listen to sounds produced by the lungs, heart and intestines. Any abnormal function within these systems in the body can be immediately spotted with proper use of a stethoscope. Some stethoscopes are extremely sensitive and can even work through clothing.

    Dangers and Disadvantages

    • One of the most overlooked dangers is not regarding the patient but the person using the stethoscope. Since the stethoscope magnifies sounds, any accidental noise that is too loud can potentially damage the listener's ears. Stethoscopes must also be constantly cleaned due to their ability to spread germs and viruses. Since they are normally used on bare skin and sometimes on extremely ill patients, proper cleaning is vital.

    Electronic Stethoscope Advantages

    • The newest type of stethoscope that is now commonly used is an electronic version. This is very advantageous over a traditional stethoscope as it allows greater clarity of sound when listening to the heart and lungs. This makes identifying problems quicker and easier. Advanced electronic stethoscopes allow the recording and playback of sounds picked up, making it useful for reference or in the teaching of students.

    Electronic Stethoscope Disadvantages

    • Electronic stethoscopes have numerous problems that are commonly associated with typical electronic equipment. One of the most tedious issues is that they require batteries. Since replacing batteries can be tedious and easy to forget, this can create problems with doctors and nurses since stethoscopes are so heavily depended upon.

      Another problem of electronic stethoscopes can be interference from other electronic devices nearby---especially cell phones. Many of the more powerful cell phones can cause interference, as can laptop computers in the general vicinity.

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