Uses of Coal as a Source for Thermal Power
Steam Generation
Currently, coal is being used to generate steam, which, in turn, is used to generate electricity. The coal is entered into a broiler chamber with water and is burned at high temperatures. During this process, the heat energy produces steam from the water through evaporation. The water molecules are able to break away and turn into vapor because of the thermal heat provided by the burning coal. The steam follows through pipes to a steam turbine.
Electricity Generation
The steam energy generated from the burning of coal is utilized by steam turbines to create both heat energy and electricity. Within a steam turbine, a few thousand blades are rotated by steam energy. The pipes and steam turbine increase the pressure so that the steam will make the blades move faster. As the blades move, it turns the generator motor that, in turn, creates heat energy and electricity. The electromagnetic induction section of Faraday's Principle explains this mechanism. When the steam is forced to make the blades move, it acts on the magnetic charges and creates work. As more work is done, the potential difference increases, which is measured in volts. This is exactly how motors and generators work. A substation is used to transform the volts of electricity into megawatts that are used to power our houses and business through power or electrical lines.
Thermal Power Plants
A coal thermal power plant is the thermal station where electricity is produced by burning coal. This process is not conducive to the health of our environment. According to the World Coal Institute, "Coal-fired power plants currently fuel 41% of global electricity." This method of producing electricity is widely used because the world has an abundant source of coal, and it is much cheaper than other alternatives such water and nuclear power stations.
Household Use
Before our technology was so advanced, we used coal as a source of heat for our homes. We had coal in small stoves that provided warmth and heat for cooking. Blacksmiths would also use coal in their furnaces.