What Is the Purpose of Cortisol?
Cortisol Hormone
Cortisol is a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal glands near the kidneys. Cortisol is released into the bloodstream during stress.
Cortisol is involved in the regulation of blood pressure, and also in how the body uses proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Cortisol also effects cardiovascular functions in the body.
Cortisol braks down muscle protein, releasing amino acids into the bloodstream. In a process known as gluconeogenesis, the liver utilizes the amino acids to make glucose. This raises blood sugar levels, giving the brain more glucose for energy.
Cortisol levels in the body are high during stressful experiences. Under normal circumstances, the body has the highest levels in the early morning and the lowest levels at midnight. Cortisol level may go up slightly after meals.
Cortisol helps reduce inflammations. Synthetic versions of cortisol are called hydrocortisone, and are used topically to treat inflammations on the skin, or as injections to reduce inflammations on internal tissues.