What are the Advantages of Broadcasting Satellite Service (BSS)?
Information On Demand
BSS offers immediate access to all types of information. For example, you can access current weather data from the National Weather Service to see an overview of present atmospheric conditions. The Digitized Weather Channel uses the on demand feature of BSS completely. This channel captures up-to-the-minute weather reports for the entire United States. High-resolution weather maps and detailed descriptions of the current weather conditions are also available.
More Channels per Dollar
For the customer, BSS seems more favorable than cable, because BSS uses a digital compression technique, which enables it to carry up to 10 times more channels on the satellite transponders (a device in satellites that relays communications signals).
Rural Availability
Because BSS is easily installed, it can be available anywhere, including rural areas. The only requirement is to have a clear line of sight to the position of the satellite in the sky. Also, rural customers can make use of the Internet services offered by BSS providers.
Reliable Service and Picture
Unless there is extremely bad weather, BSS dishes are never disrupted. Therefore, BSS ensures a more reliable service. Also, because the satellite signals are digital, the sound and picture quality are excellent.
Interactive Channel Guides
BSS provides interactive program guides, which display a complete list of programs. In addition, you can record a program for later viewing by using the set-top box, which comes with the installation package. For more interactivity, the Medical Practitioners Channel, for example, allows viewing physicians to interact with the system to see medical journal articles that best describe the treatment being shown.
Ideal for Emergency Response Activities
BSS is installed rapidly, so, in places where the communications infrastructure is not well-developed, it is an ideal method of communication for emergency response activities.