How to Get HSV From Razor Blades
The herpes simplex virus (HSV) is a communicable disease that is typically contracted through skin-to-skin contact with an infected person. HSV-1 usually appears on the lips as cold sores; HSV-2 is most often found in the genital region. According to the Herpes Help website, HSV cannot survive on most inanimate objects, but the exception is a razor blade, since it offers a consistently moist environment. And since herpes is so common---the U.S. Food and Drug Administration reports that 80 percent of Americans contract HSV-1 at some point in their lives---it is in your best interest to never share a razor.Instructions
Keep yourself safe---don't borrow a razor from a friend or family member.
Only use a new razor---or one that you are certain only you have used---when shaving your face or your genital area.
Do not feel that if you managed to shave without a cut that you cannot contract HSV. If a razor with the virus on it came into contact with the mucous membranes of your genitals or the corner of your mouth, that could provide an entryway into your system.