Harmful Effects of Ionic Silver Hydrosol
Perhaps the most commonly occurring and well-known side effect associated with ionic silver hydrosol is argyria. Argyria is a grayish/bluish discoloration of the skin, gums, fingers and toenails, eyes and internal organs. While the condition is not life threatening and typically does not cause pain or any other adverse side effects, its severity stems from the fact that it is irreversible. According to epa.gov, argyria is associated with long-term ingestion of ionic silver hydrosol, which causes silver particles (which occur naturally in the body) to build up. In small amounts your body can eliminate the silver through urination and by binding it into protein complexes. When you ingest too much silver, these complexes increase in number, and--according to epa.gov--react with mucous membranes and skin cells, which produces the discoloration.
Flu-like Symptoms
Ionic silver hydrosol has also been known to cause flu-like symptoms, such as fever, chills and nausea. This occurs most frequently in individuals who have just started using the solution, and is often an indication that you are using too much. According to drcoldwell.wordpress.com, one theory for the symptoms is that when you start using ionic silver hydrosol, it initially kills off so many pathogens that your immune system becomes temporarily overwhelmed. The solution may also cause harm to the helpful bacteria in your gut, or intestinal flora, which helps you digest food and prevent pathogens from forming.
Other Effects
According to mayoclinic.com, ionic silver hydrosol may also produce a host of other side effects. Although rarely occurring, kidney damage, skin irritation, seizures and other neurological conditions have all been linked to excessive use of the solution. According to the above source, ionic silver hydrosol has also been known to interact with certain medications, including thyroxine, quinolones, tetracycline and penicillamine.