Health Risks of Infrared Lamps
Skin Damage
The Far Infrared Medical organization warns that burns and even permanent damage to the skin can result from exposure to infrared lamps. Brief overexposure can result in a sunburn-like burn. Longer exposure can yield a more severe burn, which can lead to scarring.
Radiation Poisoning/Exposure
Infrared saunas use infrared light to heat some material (charcoal is common), and this heats the air within the sauna. The website states that radiation poisoning is one of the major health risks of infrared lamps associated with these saunas. Staying in for longer than one to two hours each day can lead to too much radiation being absorbed, and symptoms of radiation sickness can manifest. These can include lethargy, a burn to the skin, hair loss, and even nausea and vomiting.
Lack of Hydration
Dehydration is more likely to occur given the high temperature within the sauna and the dry heat. People are often not aware of just how much they sweat while inside. Drink plenty of liquids to prevent loss of vital minerals and fluids. Failing to do so can lead to lethargy, feelings of fatigue and dizziness.
Drug Interactions
Heat stroke upon exposure to infrared energy is more likely if taking certain medications, as mentioned by the website Be sure to discuss this possible risk with your doctor before using an infrared sauna. Warning signs to watch for while in the sauna include lightheadedness, dizziness, spots in front of your eyes and severe feelings of lethargy.
Injuries to the Joints
According to the website, a person with any sort of joint injury that includes swelling should not use an infrared sauna for two days. The heat can result in more swelling and soreness to the joint.
Artificial Implants
The website warns that if you have any sort of silicone prosthetic device or breast implants, they can absorb so much infrared energy that they become too hot or even melt. The high temperature can burn your internal organs and tissue, and melted silicone can enter the bloodstream and be toxic.
High Fever
Do not use an infrared lamp if you have a fever, because the additional increase in body temperature can lead to coma or even death, according to the website
You should refrain from using an infrared sauna if you suffer from hemophilia, which is a rare bleeding disorder. As mentioned by the website, the heat causes the blood vessels to dilate, which can lead to bleeding. Without treatment, massive hemorrhaging and even death can result.