Uses of the 5-HTP Supplement
Clinical trials have demonstrated that 5-HTP can treat mild to moderate cases of clinical depression, which causes long-term loss of interest in activities the patient once enjoyed or chronic bouts of easily bursting into tears.
Scientists from different parts of the world, including Japan, have performed clinical trials where they have placed patients on seratonin. According to, in one such study, doctors placed 59 patients on the medicine. Forty of them showed varying degrees improvement.
According to, clinical trials have also demonstrated that 5-HTP can reduce the time it takes for an individual to fall asleep. In one study scientists monitored eight normal subjects to measure the effects of 5-HTP on the patients. The scientists administered 200 miligrams at 9: 15 p.m on the night of the study and 400 milligrams two hours later. The doctors observed a marked increase in REM sleep or rapid eye movement sleep.
Weight Loss
Studies have also shown 5-HTP to be useful in combating hunger pangs that lead to overeating. According to, researchers at the University of Rome conducted a clinical trial consisting of two six-week periods. In the first period, the researchers placed twenty obese females on three 300-milligram doses of 5HTP per day. A control group took the placebo. In the second six weeks, the researchers placed members of the group on a 1200-calorie diet, with the true 5-HTP, while the other members took the placebo version. After the study came to an end, the group that took the 5-HTP supplements showed an eleven-pound weight loss, while the group who took the placebo lost just under two pounds.
Fibromyalgia is an illness involving muscle pain, fatigue and tenderness. A number of scientists conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of fifty patients. The researchers administered 100 milligrams of 5-HTP to certain members of the group while giving a placebo to the others. The group that the researchers gave the 5-HTP to showed marked improvements in tender points, pain severity and morning stiffness.