Properties of Polyethylene Film
Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE)
The density of LDPE is 0.91-0.94 g/cm3.The melting point of LDPE is ~115oC. It has low crystallinity (50 to 60 percent).The low crystallinity is because of irregular packing due to the main chain being subdivided into side chains with two to four carbon atoms. The lower crystallinity makes it more flexible. The irregular packing makes it weaker. It is heat-resistant and retains flexibility over a wide range of temperature, but if temperature goes above room temperature, then the density drops off drastically. Its lower crystallinity makes it more amorphous, and hence has a good transparency. It is chemically inert and has good resistance to acids and alkalis. It is widely used as sandwich bags, car covers, squeeze bottles and moisture barriers in construction.
Linear Low Density Polyethylene (L-LDPE)
Linear low density polyethylene has a greater tensile strength than conventional LDPE. It has about 50 percent lesser film thickness, compared with LDPE, and hence had a lower impact resistance.
High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
The density of HDPE is 0.95-0.97 g/cm3. The melting point of HDPE is ~135oC. It has high crystallinity (greather than 90 percent).The high crystallinity is because of regular packing due to the main chain having less than one side chain per 200 carbon atoms. The higher crystallinity makes it more rigid. The regular packing makes it stronger. Its higher crystallinity makes it less amorphous and hence has a lesser transparency. It is chemically inert and has good resistance to acids and alkalis. It is widely used as freezer bags, water pipes, wire and cable insulation and extrusion coating.
Medium Density Polyethylene (MDPE)
Medium-density polyethylene has less notch resistance than HDPE, but the stress cracking resistance is better. It has a lower hardness and rigidity, compared with HDPE. The density is 0.94 g/cm3
Ultra-high Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMW-PE)
Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene has a very high level of toughness and is wear resistant. It is chemically inert. The low temperature impact resistance is also very high. It finds application in can and bottle handling machine parts, bearings, gears and chutes.
Cross-linked Polyethylene (PEX)
Cross-linked polyethylene is made from medium or high density cross-linkable polythene. This is the most widely used tubing for plumbing.