Negative Effects of Plastic Bottles on the Environment
Harmful Toxic Chemicals
Clear plastic bottles that contain water have chemicals that can contaminate the stored food and beverage. One example of such chemicals is Bisphenol A (BPA), based on a news report from Science Daily in 2008. According to the report, BPA is an artificial chemical that can affect the natural communication system of the body’s hormones when ingested. More toxic chemicals can leach from reused plastic bottles. The wear and tear of plastic bottles due to repeated washing can increase chances of chemicals from leaking out of the tiny cracks that have formed over time. These toxic chemicals may continue to leak even if the bottles have already been disposed of or dumped onto the ground.
Damage to Soil and Water
Since most plastic bottles find their way in landfills, they will just end up buried beneath the ground. The soil may be contaminated over time with these toxic substances. If the soil is affected, plants cannot grow easily. Groundwater may also be contaminated if the toxic chemicals sink deeper into the ground. Plastic bottles may be reused by recycling companies, but millions of these bottles are eventually thrown away.
Waste of Limited Energy Resource
Studies conducted by the Australasian Bottled Water Institute have shown that the production of plastics especially those used in bottling water, consumes huge amounts of resources and energy. The energy requirement for the production of plastic bottles can heavily drain fossil fuel resources. Many plastic bottles containing water are shipped at a great expense from one country to another then refrigerated before being sold to consumers. This may be considered a waste of limited energy resources.
Global Warming
Manufacturing plants many emit toxic substances and other pollutants that can cause air pollution. These toxic pollutants can also contribute to global warming. When plastic bottles are incinerated, toxic chemicals may be released into the air. These toxic chemicals are synthetic carcinogens that are harmful to people and the environment. To prevent further damage to the environment, manufacturers continue to improve their bottles by making them BPA-free. The quality of plastic bottles is being improved to eliminate leaching. Further research is needed to minimize the negative effects of plastic bottles on the environment.