Headaches from Black Mold
Headaches are typically the first symptom of black mold exposure. They are the body's way of signaling that toxic spores are entering the respiratory system as one breathes.
Eyes and Throat
Watery eyes and itchy throats are other common symptoms of black mold exposure. These symptoms most often occur together. Generally, the eyes become affected first and the throat follows thereafter.
A more serious symptom of black mold exposure is excessive coughing and extensive mucus release. This symptom occurs because mold spores attach themselves to the throat and lungs. The body's natural reaction to this situation is to create more mucus in order to try to break down the mold spores in its system.
Lung Damage
The most severe symptom of black mold exposure is when a person's lungs begin to bleed. This only occurs with long exposure to black mold, when the body is no longer able to fight off the spores. Blood is caused by black mold spores attaching themselves to the walls of a person's lungs, causing them to become inflamed and irritated. If not treated, this condition can cause severe and irreversible damage.
Black mold exposure is often hard to detect. The symptoms are often mistaken for the common flu or cold. If symptoms such as these occur and cold or flu medicine does not stop them, it is essential to take proper precautions in order to solve the problem.
Black mold can be removed rather easily if it can be located. There are numerous products on the market that kill and stop the spread of it. When removing the mold, it is essential to make sure a thorough check is conducted in order to get all of it and not leave any unnoticed. It is wise to seek professional help when dealing with substantial amounts of black mold removal.