Endangered Native Plants List
Pink Lady's Slipper
Pink lady's slipper belongs to the orchid family and is normally found in the forests of northeastern and north central United States. It normally flowers during summer. It is a stemless perennial plant and grows to a height of 12 inches. It has pink flowers shaped like tiny slippers. It is categorized as endangered in the state of Illinois and unusual in the state of Georgia.
Gibson's Cyanea
The Gibson's cyanea tree is in the bellflower family. It is an endangered plant native to the Hawaiian Islands. It is a dicotyledon perennial tree. Leaves are radical or cauline with incised blades and sheathing bases. Flowers are mostly bisexual.
Jamaican Broom
Jamaican broom is a perennial herb from the mallow family. It is listed as endangered in the state of California and on the federal list. The plant grows to height of 4 feet and has rounded leaves. It flowers during the months of June through September. The flowers are deep pink mauve in color.
Olokele Gulch Bluegrass
Olokele Gulch bluegrass is a perennial monocotyledon from the Poaceae, or grass, family. It is an endangered species found in Hawaii and is listed on the state and federal lists. Its nodes are swollen, the leaves are simple and long and the stem is erect. It has yellow flowers which bloom in late spring. The plant grows to a height of 1 1/2 feet.
Ione Buckwheat
Ione buckwheat is a perennial herb from the buckwheat family. It is found in the state of California and is listed as endangered there. It has round or oval basal leaves and grows up to 8 inches high. It flowers during July through October and has white flowers with red midribs.
Mexican Flannelbush
Mexican flannelbush is a dicot perennial tree from the Sterculiaceae family. Its yellow flowers bloom from the month of April through August. The plant reaches a height of 2 feet. It is found in the state of California and listed as rare on the state and federal lists.
Alabama Pitcherplant
The Alabama pitcherplant is a perennial herb. It is a carnivorous plant and grows about 8 to 16 inches high during the spring season. Its maroon flowers droop from its stalk. It grows in wet areas. It flowers from April to June. It is listed as endangered in the United States and Georgia and threatened in Florida.
Lanaihale Cyrtandra
Lanaihale cyrtandra is a dicot perennial shrub from the Gesneriaceae family and is listed as endangered in the state of Hawaii. It spreads by way of creeping horizontal or tuberous rhizomes. Leaves are simple, alternate or opposite with sheathing bases. The flowers are bisexual.
Lanai Sandalwood
Lanai sandalwood is is a small, dicot tree from the Santalaceae family and is listed endangered in the state of Hawaii. It has dark green leaves with red veins. Red flowers grow in small clusters and are half an inch in length. The fleshy, inedible fruit's color is deep purple and is about half an inch in size.
False Poison Sumac
False poison sumac is a small dicot shrub from the cashew family. It has compound leaves and small flowers. All parts of this plant can cause allergic reactions like rashes. It is listed endangered on the federal list and in the states of Georgia, Florida and North Carolina.