Odor Control Products for Dumpsters
Agricultural, commercial, industrial, medical and large residential institutions deposit the majority, if not all, of their waste products in dumpsters. The dumpsters may vary in color, size, style and contents, but one they all have in common is the tendency to smell. The unpleasant stench can attract unwanted rodents and flies. It can also become overwhelming to people who have to walk past, live near or work in an area near the dumpster. It is not practical to give the dumpster frequent scrubbing, but measures can be in place to control dumpster odors.-
Dumpster Fresh
Dumpster Fresh is a long-lasting, eco-friendly dumpster deodorizer. This product neutralizes odors on contact. The odor-controlling granules are highly absorbent, biodegradable and non-corrosive. Not only do they absorb the substances responsible for odors, the granules suppress gaseous odors. As an added benefit, the granules contain citronella. Citronella oil deters flying insects. Sprinkle generous amounts of granules into the container and repeat as needed or after every service. The odor-controlling product is safe to use in garbage cans, garbage chutes, trash compactors and garbage trucks. Dumpster Fresh is available for purchase in one-pound containers.
Scatter dumpster-deodorizing granules containing Metazene, an odor-destroying additive. The deodorizer is safe for use in dumpsters, garbage cans, garbage chutes and trash compactors. This eco-friendly product is biodegradable, non-toxic and non-corrosive, so it is safe to sprinkle it around the outside of the dumpster. Sprinkle a generous amount of Scatter around odor-causing sources. It absorbs rancid spills and counteracts their odors. It is long lasting but requires reapplication after the the trash is picked up. Scatter is available for purchase in four sizes: 55-gallon drums, 30-gallon drums, five-gallon buckets and four- to eight-pound jugs.
Odoreze dumpster odor-control spray binds to, and inactivates, the enzymes and anaerobic bacteria that cause odor. Liberally spray Odoreze into the dumpster, on the outside of the container and over the surrounding areas. Repeat daily for as long as required to eliminate odors. The eco-friendly product also has the ability to cut through grease, slime and other odor-causing substances such as decaying carcasses and feces. Odoreze is biodegradable, non-flammable and non-toxic. It is safe for use in garbage cans, garbage chutes, garbage trucks and trash compactors. Odoreze is available for purchase in 16-ounce bottles. When diluted with water, one bottle of Odoreze produces 64 gallons of odor-controlling spray.