How To Stop Phenytoin
Phenytoin is an anticonvulsant medication prescribed to control and prevent grand mal and temporal lobe seizures. Grand mal seizures are characterized by a sudden unconscious state followed by convulsions. Temporal lobe seizures are caused by a disease in the area of the brain which affects hearing, memory, sight, taste and movement. The medication works in your brain by slowing the impulses which can result in seizures. Do not stop taking phenytoin abruptly or you will be at an increased risk of having an adverse reaction.Instructions
Call your doctor. Do not stop taking this medication on your own. Your doctor will be able to give you a schedule to gradually decrease your dosage of phenytoin, which should prevent any withdrawal symptoms or adverse reactions.
Follow your doctor's instructions. Your doctor may recommend quickly reducing your dosage or he may take a more gradual approach. This will depend on a variety of factors such as the dosage that you have been taking and the severity of your condition. For example, you may be required to split your dose in half for two weeks before dividing it in half again for another two weeks, repeating the process until you are off of the medication entirely.
Be prepared for possible adverse reactions. Your seizures may return, increase or worsen as you stop this medication. Additionally, our doctor may want you to monitor your blood sugar, particularly if you are diabetic, since phenytoin can affect your blood sugar levels (most notably when you are either starting or stopping the medication).