How to Qualify for the Oregon Health Plan
Go to the Oregon Helps pre-screening website. Oregon Helps is a website that is designed to get low-income people access to the services they need when times get tough. They have a pre-screening program that asks you a few basic questions about the people in your household, your income level and expenses including medical expenses. It is very important that you answer everything as accurately as you can. This website will also tell you about any other state programs for which you may be eligible. Remember, that this website is not official and is only designed to give you an idea of what programs you might qualify for.
Obtain the necessary application forms. You can get forms to apply for the Oregon Health Plan by calling (800)359-9517 or by downloading and printing out a PDF of the application packet available online.
Fill out the forms. Fill out your application packet neatly and accurately. It is even more important here that you answer all of the questions as honestly and completely as possible. If you do not, you may miss out on benefits for which you are eligible or, even worse, violate the law by receiving benefits for which you are not eligible.
Obtain copies of necessary documents. When applying for OHP there are a number of documents that you must have copies of if they are relevant to your specific application. These include proof of your income, pregnancy status and due date, family members' health insurance, American Indian or Alaskan Native status, and/or a copy of your student aid report.
Bring your application to your local Department of Human Services office. There are people there who will look over your application before you hand it in there. If there is anything missing or otherwise incorrect about from your application, they will tell you before you hand it in.