Prevention & Treatment for the Cold & Flu
The flu and cold seasons are typically in the fall and winter months but you can get either one at any time of the year. The most practical way to avoid both is to practice good hand washing skills. You should wash your hands frequently throughout the day, but particularly before eating. Wash your hands for a full 30 seconds with warm water and soap. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Viruses enter the body via the nose or mouth. This can happen from being close to an infected person while they are sneezing, coughing, or even talking. Small droplets travel through the air and if you are near enough you can catch the cold. Touching an item that an infected person has touched, such as a doorknob or telephone, can also spread the virus. This is why it is vital that you do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth without first washing your hands. This is especially important during the cold and flu season, but is a good habit to practice all year round.
Always use tissues when sneezing or coughing, then toss the tissue and wash your hands or use sanitizer. Always cough or sneeze into the bend of your elbow if a tissue is not handy.
Everyone who is at high risk for complications from influenza should receive an annual flu shot. The new vaccines are available usually starting in October each year.
Symptoms of the common cold include sneezing, itchy, watery eyes, a low-grade fever no higher than 102 F, coughing, mild aching or headache and slight fatigue. Cold symptoms also include a scratchy or sore throat, congestion and a runny or stuffy nose according to the article, "Common Cold Symptoms," by the Mayo Clinic staff.
Influenza attacks the respiratory system and your lungs, throat, nose and bronchial tubes may be affected. Symptoms of the flu are high fever (101 F and above), dry cough, headaches and aches and pains particularly in the back, legs and arms. Other flu symptoms are chills, sweating, loss of appetite, being very weak or fatigued and children will sometimes have vomiting and diarrhea.
There are no antibiotics or cures for the common cold. Typically, treatments for the cold symptoms are analgesics, nasal decongestants and cough medicines and syrups; these medicines can have side effects and a cold will go away on its own within a week or two. Alternative medicines include Vitamin C, Echinacea, and zinc sprays or lozenges. These will not prevent or cure a cold, but there is evidence that they may reduce the symptoms and shorten the length of the cold.
Bed rest and staying hydrated is the best medicine for the flu symptoms. Drink plenty of water and juice, and eat warm, nourishing soups to help your body recover faster. Take over the counter pain medication for the aches and pains and fever. If you are at risk of complications from the flu, you should call your doctor just as soon as you experience the first symptoms. Antiviral drugs are available and they may shorten the duration of the influenza, but they only work if they are taken within the first 48 hours of having the symptoms.