Negative Effects of Excessive Caffeine
While caffeine is not an addictive substance, a person may experience some temporarily unpleasant symptoms, such as headache and drowsiness, if she abruptly ceases consumption. Gradual cessation is preferable.
The U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) and the National Institute of Health (NIH) recommend three 8 oz. cups of coffee per day as a regimen for moderate consumption.
According to the Mayo Clinic, excessive caffeine consumption can lead to insomnia, nervousness, irregular heartbeat, muscle tremors, anxiety and headache.
Masking Sleep Deprivation
The Mayo Clinic warns against using caffeine as a substitute for getting enough rest, as this will only add to sleep deprivation. In order to sleep well, the clinic not only recommends against over-consumption but avoidance of the stimulant eight hours before bedtime.
Some people are sensitive to caffeine and may experience the effects of over-consumption even if they follow recommendations. Additionally, those taking prescription drugs and antibiotics should consult with their physician about potential drug interactions.