How to Check an SSA Disability Application
Things You'll Need
- Internet access
- Phone access
Checking SSA Disability Application
Expect at least a 90-day waiting period for a SSDI application to be processed and a hearing held.
Call the SSA's toll-free number to check on the process of the application if there is no notification from the SSA of the status of the application after 90 days. The toll-free number (for within the United States) is 1-800-772-1213. For those who are hearing-impaired, the toll-free TTY number (for within the United States) is 1-800-325-0778.
Contact the SSA's local office to ask about the progress of the application if no notification of the application's status has arrived after 90 days (see references at the bottom of this page for finding local SSA offices).
Fill out the Application Status Information form through the SSA's Web site to discover the status of the SSDI application if nothing has been heard after 90 days (see references at the bottom of this page for the proper form).
Do not attempt to contact the SSA through email--SSA does not process information about individual claims or queries through email.