How to Kill Staph on Surfaces
Things You'll Need
- Soap or detergent
- Disinfectant
- UV lamp
- Alcohol-based sanitizer
Clean surfaces with soap or detergent to wash away dirt to make the next step, disinfecting, more effective.
Apply a disinfectant and keep the surface wet with it for the length of time indicated on the product label. If no time is indicated, a minute will usually suffice. Use household bleach as a disinfectant (if no other disinfectant is available) only after diluting it 100 times, i.e. half a cup of bleach to a gallon of water.
Wash linens with detergent and bleach using the hot water and hot dryer settings. Be aware that bleach can lighten colored items.
Wave a portable ultraviolet lamp over surfaces to kill staph. This approach is especially good for irregularly shaped items such as computer keyboards. The amount of time to hold the lamp over each point to completely kill the bacteria depends on the intensity of the UV rays used.
Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with an alcohol content of at least 62 percent.