Potassium Nitrate Information
Safety Issues
Potassium nitrate is considered a stable chemical, but is a strong oxidizer and can react with other substances to create hazardous conditions, including fire and explosions. Potassium nitrate is considered harmful if swallowed, and the use of safety glasses is recommended when handing it.
Potassium nitrate is used as a fertilizer due to the concentration of potassium in the compound, which enriches the soil.
Other Uses
Potassium nitrate once was used as an ingredient in gunpowder, but has been supplanted by more effective materials. Small amounts of potassium nitrate are used to salt meats, in toothpaste and in medicine for backaches and other pains.
Alternative Names
Potassium nitrate is also called Saltpeter and Niter.
Registry Number
The Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) registry number for potassium nitrate is 7757-79-1. The CAS number is assigned to every chemical by the Chemical Abstracts Service, which is a division of the American Chemical Society. The purpose of the CAS number is to make it easier to identify chemicals across cultures.