How to Relieve Shortness of Breath Due to Lung Cancer
Practice breathing exercises. Certain exercises like pursed lip breathing and breathing from your diaphragm can help push air into your airway and improve your lung capacity. Pursed lip breathing involves breathing in and exhaling through pursed lips as if you were blowing out a candle. You know you are breathing from your diaphragm if your stomach expands as you are inhaling. A respiratory therapist can show you how to properly do these exercises as well as any others that will be beneficial.
Reduce stress and anxiety. Trouble breathing is distressing and the resulting stress and anxiety exacerbate breathing problems. Finding ways to relax can help you breathe better. Experiment with meditation, listening to calming music, progressive relaxation, positive visualization, hypnosis or anything else that makes you feel less stressed.
Keep your home cool. Cooler temperatures make it easier to breathe. Directing a fan right onto your face can be helpful as well.
Try acupuncture; according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, acupuncture can relieve shortness of breath. It can also alleviate many side effects of conventional cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation that you might be undergoing.
Eat lots of fruits and vegetables; they are rich in antioxidants and other substances that promote lung health. Ask your doctor if he thinks you can benefit from taking an antioxidant supplement.
Exercise regularly at a level appropriate for your condition. It increases lung capacity, which can help relieve shortness of breath. Check with your doctor before starting a regimen. He can suggest a routine that is safe and effective for your condition. You do not need to do anything strenuous to achieve benefit.
Quit smoking. This seems obvious but is sometimes easier said than done. If you find it difficult to quit on your own, ask your doctor for guidance.