How to Remove Lice Eggs From Hair
The removal of lice eggs (nits) is perhaps the most crucial step in lice infestation treatment. A nit looks like a brownish-tan shiny oval dot, about the size of a period, and is attached at an angle to the hair shaft. Lice eggs are attached to the hair shaft roughly 1/4 inch to 1 inch away from the scalp. The closer they are found to the scalp, the newer the infestation, the farther away, the older. Live lice bugs attach their eggs to the hair shafts with a glue like substance, making removal difficult. They cannot simply be brushed or washed out of the hair. They must be manually removed.Things You'll Need
- Hair clips
- Bright light
- Magnifying glass
- Lice comb
- Paper towels or rag
Nit Removal
Separate small chunks of hair and secure with clips. The more clips, the more sections you'll have to work with, making it easier to locate the nits.
Position bright light over head.
Taking one section of hair at a time, release clip and grab chunk of hair with one hand, and magnifying glass in the other. Examine every hair shaft, looking for nits.
If a nit is located, comb through hair sections with lice comb. Perform daily combing for at least two weeks to ensure all nits are removed.
Wipe lice comb with paper towel between each attempt.
Repeat the above steps for each chunk of hair until all hair strands have been examined.