What Is Elemental Calcium?
In 1808, Sir Humphrey Davy isolated calcium in an impure state by electrolysis of moist lime with a mercury cathode. The pure metal was prepared by a French chemist, Henri Moissan, in 1898, by heating calcium iodide with metallic sodium.
On a small scale, calcium is prepared by reducing anhydrous calcium salt with metallic aluminum or sodium. In industry, the metal is produced by electrolysis of fused calcium chloride.
Physical Properties
Calcium is generally a soft metallic element, but it is harder than lead. It is malleable and ductile, having a melting point of 1,542.2 degrees F and a boiling point of 2,703.2 degrees F. It is a good conductor of heat and electricity.
Chemical Properties
Calcium is readily tarnished in moist air with the formation of a surface layer of oxide and nitrite. When heated in air or oxygen, it burns brilliantly.
Calcium is used as a deoxidizer in metallurgy. It is a convenient reducing agent in the laboratory, and is used for removing nitrogen and hydrogen from gas streams.