Monthly Vs. Permanent Contact Lenses
Eye Health
Even with proper care, proteins and other lens deposits build up on contacts. Throwing out contacts once a month is easier and safer than disposing them yearly to prevent any damage.
Following the Schedule
It is important to remember to throw away monthly contacts every 30 days. The FDA approves "monthly contacts" specifically for the reason that they are hygienically appropriate for one month. If you have a hard time following a specific schedule, it might be better to use permanent lenses.
Monthly disposable contacts are generally more expensive than permanent contacts, but it also depends on the care taken of the permanent lenses. If a couple or more need to be replaced over a year, then disposables may be cheaper.
First-time Users
People react and respond differently to contacts. Some can use them flawlessly, some have a few problems, and others have a lot of problems. For first time users, monthly contacts are a great way to try them out.
According to the American Optometric Association, your vision might be more clear with RGP lenses (gas-permeable, a type of yearly lense), but this depends on your particular prescription.