Hand Tool Safety at Home
Damaged Tools
A damaged hand tool should be replaced prior to use. Damage to any kind of hand tool can compromise its functionality and create potential hazards.
Use the Right Tool
Always use the right tool for the job to prevent accidents. Not only does this include using the right type of tool, but it also means using the right size tool as well.
Homeownernet.com recommends using vices and clamps to hold items in place while working on them, as opposed to holding items down with your hand or other parts of your body. A tool could slip while you are working and cause severe damage if you are holding an item with your body.
Cutting Tools
Keep cutting tools sharp at all times. ElectricianEducation.com says to keep cutting tools sharp at all times, and replace cutting blades on all cutting tools regularly.
Working with Others
If you are working with a partner, always be mindful of where they are and what they are doing. Coordinate how you are going to do a particular task that involves a hand tool to avoid injury.