How to Conduct HIV Testing
Things You'll Need
- FDA approved HIV home testing kit
- Clean, dry area where you can work uninterrupted for approximately 20 minutes
- Warm water
- Hand Soap
- Clean towel
- Clean bandages
Purchase an FDA-approved HIV home testing kit at a major drugstore, or online.
Register your code number.
Locate, and tear off your eleven-digit home access code number at the top of blood specimen collection card.
Read the informed consent section of the instructional booklet that is included in the kit. Make sure that you read, understand and consent to all information that is stated in this section of the booklet.
Call the toll free number to report your eleven-digit home access code number. Use a touch tone phone to complete this process.
Prepare to collect your blood specimen.
Work in a clean, dry space for collection. Ensure that you will not be disturbed for approximately 20 minutes.
Read all specimen collection instructions. Make sure that you fully understand them before proceeding.
Remove skin oils and other contaminants from your hands by washing them thoroughly with warm water and soap, and then drying them with a clean towel.
Fold down the protective flap on the Blood Specimen Collection Card circle.
Choose a finger for the puncture site. You will puncture the first section of your finger on the soft, padded area, near your fingertip. Avoid callused areas, and do not use the smallest finger (pinkie) on your hand for collection.
Clean your selected puncture site with the alcohol pad, and then wipe it dry with clean gauze.
Hang the hand you intend to use for the blood collection down by your side for approximately 30 seconds. Vigorously shake the hand to stimulate the blood flow.
Place your hand on a table or countertop, with the palm facing up.
Hold the safety lancet in your other hand, between the first and second fingers. Place your thumb on the lancet trigger.
Collect your blood specimen.
Press the tip of the safety lancet against the pad of the selected finger. Continue to press until the end of the lancet forms a dimple in your skin.
Depress the safety lancet trigger with your thumb in order to pierce the skin.
Remove the safety lancet.
Turn your hand, palm down, and allow the blood to come to the surface.
Place your hand over the blood specimen collection card and squeeze the area around the puncture site with the thumb and first finger of your other hand in order to encourage blood flow.
Once a drop of blood has formed on your finger, gently touch the drop inside of the blood collection circle. Continue to add extra drops of blood to the circle, until it is completely filled. Avoid placing the drops of blood directly on top of one another.
Ensure that that you have placed enough blood in the circle on the front so that it has soaked through the card and completely covered the back circle. If you don't ensure that you have the right size blood specimen, the lab will likely not be able to process the test.
Allow the blood specimen collection card to dry. This should take approximately 30 minutes.
Complete the process.
Bandage the puncture site or sites with a clean bandage.
Dispose of the used safety lancets by placing them in the lancet disposal container and closing the lid tightly. Place the disposal container in the garbage.
Write your home access code number and the date of collection in the appropriate spaces on the blood specimen collection card.
When 30 minutes have elapsed, cover the blood collection circle with the protective flap, and place it in the specimen return pouch.
Seal the return pouch, and place it in the cardboard envelope.
Place the cardboard envelope in a FedEx envelope, and mail to the address provided in the testing kit.
Wait at least three business days after you ship the specimen, and then call the toll-free number for your test results.