Sodium Carbonate for Cleaning
Water Softener
In household use, sodium carbonate is employed as a water softener in washing garments. In hard-water treatment, sodium carbonate prevents magnesium and calcium ions from adhering to the detergent being used. So, in the absence of sodium carbonate, more detergent is required to thoroughly wet the magnesium and calcium ions. Moreover, sodium carbonate acts as a detergent to some extent and removes all stubborn strains, oil, and grease from fabrics.
Sodium carbonate or washing soda has numerous domestic as well as industrial applications. It is a highly alkaline chemical compound that bears a completely different tag compared to washing powder, which is not a water softener but a detergent. Sodium carbonate is also not the same thing as baking soda, but their chemical compositions are the same. In the textile industry, sodium carbonate binds the coloring agents to the fabric together, making the color more durable.
In the laundry industry, sodium carbonate plays a number of roles. The strong basic properties of sodium carbonate make it a good solvent that removes every residue and stain. Besides, it does not leave a discolored spot after washing like bleach. Sodium carbonate or washing soda is also used in combination with other detergents. It combines with the minerals of the detergent that make the water hard. Hard water allows detergent to foam properly so that clothing is free from dirt and stain. Sodium carbonate also is a versatile spot cleaner. It can be used in combination with other cleaning products as well. It will remove any wax buildup on your floor. Sodium carbonate also eliminates soot adhering to your fireplace.
Bathroom Cleaner
Sodium carbonate is a good bathroom cleaner because it can break down soap residue. But it should not be used on fiberglass fixtures because it is highly caustic and can harm fibers. Many household items such as coffee machines and bathroom tiles that are always in interaction with hard water often develop mineral deposits on their exteriors. Sodium carbonate is used to remove such accumulations.