The Effects of Breathing Parrafin Wax
Paraffin wax has a wide variety of uses, from skin treatments to candles However, since paraffin is a by-product of petroleum production, there are a number of health concerns one should keep in mind when selecting types of wax for candles or home spa treatments.-
Essential oils added to paraffin wax can aid in calming with aromatherapy by evenly diffusing the oil and bringing the aroma to the skin.
Scented Candles
Scented candles may be made with aromatic compounds containing allergens or chemicals which could cause health problems from prolonged exposure.
Many paraffin wax candles are made with wicks containing lead. Inhalation of lead can lead to problems with a variety of internal organs including the liver, kidneys and brain.
Paraffin wax is a by-product of petroleum, and burning paraffin releases the same carcinogens released when petroleum products such as gasoline are burned. These carcinogens could lead to asthma, respiratory infections, or in a worst-case scenario, lung cancer.
Particulate Matter
Burning paraffin wax releases fine particulate matter into the air. These microscopic particles can get into the lungs, causing or exacerbating asthma or other respiratory health problems.