What Are Side Effects of Sugar?
Diabetes is the most dangerous side effect of sugar. Consuming too much sugar overworks the pancreas, which produces the hormone insulin to absorb the sugar.
Dental Cavities
Sugar can cause dental cavities as bacteria in the mouth use it as a form of energy.
Sugar can contribute to obesity in that it can increase appetite, thus leading to more food intake.
Sugar interferes with metabolism of calcium in the body. Since calcium is essential to bone mineral density, a reduction in calcium can lead to osteoporosis--a condition that may make bones fracture more easily.
Lowered Immunity
White blood cells need vitamin C to destroy bacteria and viruses. Sugar (in the form of glucose) has a chemical structure similar to that of vitamin C and thus acts as a replacement for the real thing. Thus higher glucose levels decrease the body's vitamin C uptake, thereby making the immune system more susceptible to disease.