How to Get Rid of a MRSA Infection

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, is a type of staph infection caused by bacteria. MRSA can enter your body through a cut or scrape of your skin or through dry or cracked skin. This particular staph infection is resistant to specific antibiotics called beta-lectams, which are used to cure staph infections. These beta-lectams include oxicillin, penicillin or amoxicillin drugs. You can do many things to avoid a MRSA infection. If you do end up contracting it, however, there are a few ways of attempting to get rid of it.


  1. How to Get Rid of a MRSA Infection

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      Ask your physician for antibiotics. There are antibiotics that can get rid of a MRSA infection. These alternative antibiotics can include clindamycin, trimethoprim or sulfamethoxazole antibiotics.

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      Your physician may recommend you use antibiotic ointments and antibacterial soaps to reduce the amount of bacteria on your skin. This can prevent the further spread of the infection on you and to other people. Your physician can prescribe these antibiotic treatments for a short time. However, you should tell your physician if you have new symptoms or if the infection doesn't improve, gets worse or returns.

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      To get rid of a MRSA infection, physician doctor can drain the fluid from the infected area. Your physician will open the sore, drain the fluid and then cover the wound. You must keep the area covered until it has healed. Then you will have to return to the physician's office for check-ups. Do not try to drain the fluid on your own. If you squeeze or poke the infection, you can push the bacteria further into your skin and cause the infection to worsen.

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      Get rid of MRSA around your home. Use isopropyl alcohol to disinfect items you use constantly, like tweezers or scissors. Wash sports equipment, such as scrimmage shirts, towels, uniforms, at least once a week. According to Texas A&M System AgriLife Extension, you can use commercial disinfectant or a fresh mixture of one tablespoon bleach in one quart of water. Also, rinse or prewash all clothing items that have come in contact with any body fluids.

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