The Best Way to Kill Head Lice
Coconut Oil
Although, there are many products available on the market to kill head lice, many of these products have chemicals that may cause negative side effects. According to Dr. Jeanette Kavanagh, one of the best ways to get rid of head lice is by using coconut oil. Coconut oil kills lice by suffocating them and killing their eggs. Before bedtime, melt two large spoonfuls of solidified coconut oil and let it cool. Apply the oil to your entire scalp and massage. Cover your head with a plastic cap and leave it on overnight, until the next morning. It's best to protect your pillow with a towel. The next morning, use a fine tooth comb to remove the dead lice and eggs from your hair.
Tea Tree Oil
Another alternative for killing head lice is to use tea tree oil. Researchers in Dublin, Ireland, have proved that using tea tree oil is effective in killing head lice. Tea tree oil contains two specific ingredients that kill lice: 1,8-cineole and terpinen-4-ol. You can combine 100% tea tree oil with your regular shampoo and massage it in your hair. For the best results, use this mixture 3-4 times a week, until the lice are gone. Tea tree oil can easily be found in your local health food store for a nominal cost.
Pyrethoid and Permethin
According to public health officials, the manual removal of lice with a nit comb is the first step to getting rid head lice. After you have confirmed a lice infestation, you can use pyrethoid or permethin, which are available at your local pharmacy. You should repeat the treatment 10 days later, to get rid of any eggs that haven't hatched, since pyrethoid and permethin don't kill the eggs. It's also advisable to follow up this treatment with a thorough nit combing procedure, to ensure the infestation is completely gone.