The Effects of Lead Paint Chips
Brain/Nervous System Damage
Lead is able to mimic, as well as inhibit, what calcium does for the body. Our bodies absorb, distribute and then excrete the lead that we ingest. Children and adults are affected by lead in different ways, but both can suffer brain/nervous system damage including a decrease in intelligence, short-term memory loss, impairment of visual-motor function and reading under-achievement, among others.
A majority of children who have lead poisoning will not have any symptoms. Those who do show symptoms might experience headaches and a reduction in attention span, among others. Adults might experience numbness and even headaches.
Excessive Allergy Sensitivity
Lead has been linked to intensified allergic reactions and affects development of certain immune system cells. So any allergies you might have had before the lead exposure could increase immensely, as well as other allergies that you were not quite so sensitive to before.
Harmful to Pregnancy
Babies can be harmed by lead exposure as it has the ability to cross the placenta. Such problems that might occur should they become exposed are low birth weight, stillbirth or even a miscarriage.
Lead Facts
A child can appear to be very healthy and still have increased levels of lead in his body. Lead exposure can occur by simply breathing or swallowing lead dust, or by consuming paint chips or soil that contain lead.