What Is Vioxx?
Patients used Vioxx to reduce pain, inflammation and stiffness caused by various forms of arthritis. It was also used for fevers and migraines.
A person planning to take Vioxx had to consult a doctor first to get a prescription. He would have to reveal whether he had asthma, hives, drank alcohol or smoked, or had an allergic reaction to aspirin or other NSAIDs. Such conditions could prevent a doctor from prescribing Vioxx.
Side Effects
People taking Vioxx had the possibility of developing side effects, including abdominal pain, tenderness or discomfort, nausea or heartburn, unusual fatigue, itching or skin rashes, and unusual bruising or bleeding.
In 2000, a few medical reports suggested Vioxx might contribute to some heart problems. According to data released in 2003 from a study Merck consequently conducted, the risk of heart problems, including heart attacks and stroke, increased for people taking a standard dose of Vioxx. A standard dose was 25mg per day.
In 2004, Merck voluntarily decided to pull Vioxx from the market. By then, the drug had been used by more than 84 million people around the world.