Tapeworm Effects
Human Intestines
The adult tapeworm living here seldom goes unnoticed by its host. Because it lives of the nutrients absorbed by the host's body, it can sometimes cause nausea and weight loss.
Cysts in Human Bodies
Eggs that form cysts in the human organs can become life-threatening. It does not occur as regularly as the adult tapeworm in the intestines, but it is far more dangerous.
Tapeworm in Children
Children are more prone to tapeworms because of playing in sand and with pets without always cleaning their hands before they put it in their mouths.
Tapeworm Effects on Pets
In general, tapeworms have little or no serious effects on pets. Dogs are sometimes seen "riding on their backsides" (scratching them against the ground), which can indicate itchiness caused by tapeworms.
Effects on Live Stock
Live stock picks up tapeworms when they consume the eggs while grazing. Tapeworm cysts can cause damage to the organs of livestock. Humans should not eat these organs.