Chlorella Treatment
Most Potent Chlorella Treatment
The nutrients are so tightly packed within this sea vegetable that the body can normally absorb only half of what is contained inside. Cracked cell chlorella is therapeutic because the nutrients contained inside this sea vegetable are more easily absorbed by the body. Cracked cell chlorella is achieved through the manufacturing process. Scientists have discovered how to penetrate the wall of the cells within this sea vegetable. First the chlorella is dried and then blown at high speed in special holding tanks. Then high frequency sound is blasted which causes the cell walls within the chlorella to vibrate and crack. This extra step in production causes the nutrients to leak out more easily when chlorella is ingested. Cracked cell chlorella is more expensive than standard chlorella supplements because it is more potent.
Fans of chlorella boast of its detoxifying elements. The chlorophyll within chlorella flushes toxins and chemicals out of the body. Anyone who suffers from any type of chronic illness or medical condition can benefit from the detox benefits of chlorella because their normal detox organs such as the liver and kidneys may not be functioning as well as a healthy person.
Chlorophyll also improves digestion and serves as an internal deodorant for the body. People who suffer from body odor may want to try chlorella.
Chlorella has been used as an effective nutritional treatment for cancer patients. The protein in chlorella is very digestible, providing the body with much-needed energy. Chlorella stimulates the formation of T. cells, which enhance immune function. This gives the body additional strength to fight off bacteria, and viruses in addition to handling the chemical load that the body takes on during cancer treatments.
Chlorella also may be helpful in treating fatigue. The primary reason for fatigue is lack of iron and digestible protein. Chlorella contains high levels of iron and protein. When our bodies are able to utilize protein effectively, we feel better and have more energy. In addition, chlorella is also loaded with vitamins and minerals which improve mental and physical energy.
Chlorella treatment is also beneficial for people who suffer with diabetes. Chlorella is a whole food supplement that can be taken with meals or added to healthy green vegetable shakes. Chlorella is a green food because it contains the same elements found in plants and other dark green leafy vegetables. According to a study published in the September, 2008, issue of the Journal of Medicinal Food, chlorella is helpful in maintaining blood glucose levels.