What Rays are Emitted From Solariums?
What Is a Solarium?
A tanning solarium can be either a bed you lie on, a panel you stand in front of or a lamp you angle over your face. Solariums uses electricity to create artificial ultraviolet (UV) radiation which causes the melanin in the skin to increase, creating a tanned look. UV radiation from the solarium is concentrated and five times stronger than sun's rays at midday, so tanning is quicker if you use a solarium than if tanning in the sun.
UVA Radiation
UVA radiation is the primary type of ray emitted by solariums and the dominant tanning ray. Artificial UVA rays can be 12 times stronger than the UVA rays of the sun and create more damage than sun's rays. They penetrate the skin deeper than UVB rays and therefore cause skin aging, wrinkles and skin cancers. UVA rays damage the keratinocytes, cells deep in the skin's dermis layer where most skin cancers develop. The harmful effects of UVA rays can accumulate over time.
UVB Radiation
UVB rays are the rays that cause sun burning and reddening and only penetrate the more superficial layer of the skin, or the epidermis. However, they are not less damaging than UVA rays. Like UVA rays, UVB rays also cause skin aging and contribute to the development of skin cancer.
Artificial UV radiation can cause skin cancer and premature aging including wrinkles, blotches and sagging. If you expose your skin to UV radiation for too long, you can get burned, have blisters and even permanent scarring. In addition to skin related risks, solarium usage can damage your eyes. Tanning in a solarium without eye protection can cause cornea damage, permanent sight damage, cataracts and eye cancers.
UV radiation, artificial or natural, increases the levels of D vitamin in your skin. Vitamin D is associated with the serotonin hormone that affects your mood. Increased levels of serotonin make you happier and can uplift your mood. UV radiation can also increase blood circulation in your body and help acne by drying out the skin.