How Do Men Get HPV?
About HPV
HPV actually comprises a family of approximately 100 related strains of human papilloma virus, all of which produce similar symptoms in infected persons.
Contracting HPV
HPV is a sexually transmitted disease. Men typically contract HPV when they are exposed to the infected skin surround the genital organs of an HPV infected person during sex.
Contracting HPV Continued
HPV can also infect the soft tissues of the mouth. Therefore it is possible for a man to contract HPV by kissing an infected person or during oral sex.
One reason that HPV infection is so prevalent is because there are few if any initial symptoms. In fact, it is possible to be infected with HPV and spread it to others unknowingly.
A telltale sign of an HPV infection is the appearance of warts. In men, bump or stem-like warts may appear on the penis, scrotum, and inner thighs.
Although condoms are not 100 percent effective in eliminating the risk of HPV, using a condom can substantially reduce the risk of contracting HPV and other sexually transmitted diseases.