Tests and Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
When A test Will Be Ordered
A health care provider will order a test if a person has come into contact with TB, or is considered part of a high risk population. High-risk populations include people with HIV and any other virus that weakens the immune system. Also at high risk for TB are people living in any kind of institution that keeps them confined, and those who have been in a country where TB is common.
TB Skin Test
The TB test is administered by a health care provider. No sample is collected, a solution of bacteria is injected under the skin. A small bump appears immediately, and is not supposed to be touched or covered until the results are read 49 to 72 hours later.
How The Test Is Read
A health care worker will read the test results 48 to 72 hours after the patient's injection. The health care worker will look for signs of skin irritation, which may indicate the presence of TB.
QuantiFERON-TB Gold test (QFT-G)
The QFT-G test is performed if there is a positive or inconclusive result from the TB skin test. The QFT-G test is performed by a heath care worker as well. The health care worker draws a blood sample to check for traces of TB in the blood.
Tuberculosis Diagnosis
If a person is diagnosed with TB using both of the types of tests, they are Xrayed to search for signs of TB damage in the lungs to confirm the results. The patient is given an antibiotic called isoniazid, to treat and rid the body of TB.