Skeletal System Diseases & Disorders
Osteoporosis is the most common bone disease in the United States. It occurs when bones lose mass and become porous due to low calcium. It is most commonly seen in the elderly.
Osteoporosis Treatment
There is no cure for osteoporosis. Exercise and maintaining adequate levels of certain vitamins and minerals are two ways to prevent bone loss. Medications are also available by prescription.
Arthritis is pain in the joints, a juncture where two bones meet. The most common form, osteoarthritis, comes with old age as the cartilage in the joint begins to wear. Other types are autoimmune and occur when the body's tissues are mistakenly attacked by the immune system.
Arthritis Treatment
There is no cure for either form of arthritis. Doctor's can prescribe painkillers and slow-acting drugs to limit joint damage.
Breaks and Fractures
There are six common types of bone fractures in the human body. All are distinguished by a set of characteristics and severity of the break. They are fairly common in every age group.
Bone Health
Bone health is important for all age groups. Early prevention is best. Maintain a healthy diet and include weight-bearing as well as low-impact activities in your exercise routine to keep bones strong and healthy.