Armpit Pain
Other possible causes of armpit pain are lumps that may form under the arm. A person may also feel pain because of straining the arm muscles or diabetes. Those who have diabetes can end up damaging their nerves because they may have diabetic neuropathies, a nerve disorder. This disorder can lead to pain in the hands, feet and legs and cause numbness.
The symptoms related to armpit pain include arm and axillary pain, swelling, shoulder pain, folliculitis, burning or stinging, numbness, lumps and Hidradenitis suppurativa. The armpit pain may also be caused by pain in the other parts of the arm such as the shoulder.
Time Frame
Inflamed lympth nodes may not require immediate medical attention. However, if the swelling lasts for more than two weeks and the symptoms have continued, you should seek professional advice. Also, if the nodes are hard, growing rapidly or you suspect there is an infection, seek medical advice immediately.
Medical Treatment
When it is determined why the armpit is causing you pain, consider having an ultrasound or CT scan. This depends on the severity of the pain and the situation. This option should be discussed with a health care provider first. For swollen lymph nodes, the most common treatment is antibiotics because the swelling is usually caused by a bacterial infection. Over-the-counter pain relievers such as Advil, ibuprofen and Motrin can help reduce inflammation around the area. Arm-pit pain or swollen lymph nodes can be a sign of more serious conditions such as diabetes and leukemia.
If the pain under your armpit significantly worsens or hasn't gotten better in two to three weeks, contact a doctor immediately. There could be an underlying condition that you may be missing that a doctor may be able to identify.