Where Can You Get Your Birth Certificate in California?
There are two government entities that can supply you with a copy of your birth record: the County Recorder's Office and the Office of Vital Records. There is also a private company, Vital Search, that provides informational copies of California birth records.
The County Recorder's Office
When a child is born in the state of California, the record of birth is first recorded at the Recorder's Office in the county in which the birth took place. It can take up to six months for it to be sent to the Office of Vital Records, so if you are seeking a copy of an infant's birth record, the County Recorder's Office is the best place to look.
The California Department of Public Health's website has an alphabetical listing of all California counties, which include links to pages with contact information. Many of the County Recorder's offices have a method of ordering the vital record online while others will simply give information on where to send a request.
The most important thing to remember is that you will need to have proof of identity in order to have your birth certificate released to you. The Recorder's Office in each county will tell you what they require for proof.
The Office of Vital Records
The official name for this office is California Department of Public Health, Office of Vital Records, This is the State Registrar for the State of California and maintains records of all births and deaths in the state. This office will supply a certified copy of a birth record for $14. This fee is non-refundable so make sure that you supply the office with enough information to allow them to locate your record.
Currently, the Office of Vital Records is only accepting requests sent via mail.
The Office of Vital Records issues two types of birth records: authorized and informational. They are both considered certified copies.
Authorized Copy of a Birth Certificate
To qualify for an authorized copy of your birth certificate you must either be the person named on the record or that person's parent, a child, grandchild, sibling or spouse/domestic partner of the person.
Certain others can obtain this type of record as well: people with court orders, police agencies and an attorney acting on behalf of the registrant or his or her estate.
Informational Copy of a Birth Certificate
All other parties are issued an informational birth record. Informational birth records contain the same information as an authorized record. The difference is that it is stamped, across its face, with the words: "INFORMATIONAL, NOT A VALID DOCUMENT TO ESTABLISH IDENTITY."
Vital Search
Vital Search is an online private company that provides informational copies only. Turnaround time is about four weeks, unless you pay for their Special Handling, for which you will be required to pay an extra $29.95.
You can order your certificate online via Paypal. The charge is $44.95.