Effects of Steroids on Women
Naturally, women who use steroids begin building up more muscles tone and increase their overall strength. They also become thinner. In fact, steroid use can cause you to "lose the curves common in most women" according to steroid-abuse.org. Many women experience a reduction in the size of their breasts and, over time, their bodies begin to look more masculine.
Male Characteristics
Many women who use steroids demonstrate many other male characteristics. They may begin to produce larger, more noticeable jaw muscles. Some women also begin growing excessive amounts of body hair on their chin, buttocks, chest and nipples, according to allafrica.com (see Resources). Their voices begin to deepen and become more gravely. Steroid use can cause the clitoris to become swollen and enlarged. Male pattern baldness is also common.
Steroid use can cause many behavioral side effects in women. Women who use steroids become angrier and more aggressive. They also experience "depression, mood swings and addiction," according to steroid-abuse.org. Moreover, once you stop using steroids, you may experience withdrawal symptoms. These include a loss of appetite, a lack of concentration, forgetfulness, apathy, fear and an "increased tendency for a cry," according to allafrica.com.
Reproductive Issues
Steroids can lower the amount of estrogen in a woman's body, which can dramatically affect the menstrual cycle. Some women completely stop menstruating, and women have become infertile as a result of extended, prolonged steroid use. When pregnant women use steroids, they may be risking the life of their unborn children. Such risks include "growth retardation to the fetus and tendency to give birth to a baby with both male and female physical body and character traits" according to allafrica.com.
There are many other health risks associated with steroid use. Taking steroids can damage your liver. It can also raise your cholesterol and weaken your immune system. Steroids can cause "cardiovascular damage or heart attacks," according to steroid-abuse.org. Many women also have problems with their ligaments. This is because the steroids cause their muscular strength to increase "so quickly that the ligaments and tendons cannot keep up."