Symptoms of the STD Gonnorhea
How Transmitted
Gonorrhea can be spread through sexual contact and/or by contact with the penis, vagina, mouth or anus of an infected person.
Asymptomatic Gonorrhea
In certain cases, gonorrhea has no symptoms at all. This might explain why it is so prevalent. In other cases, symptoms might not be present for up to 30 days after infection.
Symptoms In Men
Symptoms in men can include painful urination and a discharge of fluid from the penis (might be yellow, white or green). In other cases, the testes might become enlarged or painful.
Symptoms In Women
According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, most women present no symptoms when infected with gonorrhea. When symptoms are present, they can be easily mistaken for non-STD infections such as a bladder or urinary tract infection.
More Symptoms In Women
When women do present gonorrhea symptoms, they are usually similar to those encountered by men. They include painful urination and a bloody or other colored discharge from the vagina.
Gonorrhea Prevention
Because gonorrhea can be so easily spread and the symptoms are easily misdiagnosed, it is important to understand how to prevent infection. This can be done by being in a monogamous relationship with a person who is known to not have gonorrhea or by using protection such as condoms when engaging in sexual intercourse.