Protocols for Preventing the Spread of Viral Encephalitis
Insect Repellent
Apply an insect repellent which contains the active ingredient DEET if you go outside during dusk or dawn, when mosquitoes are most active. DEET, in use more than 40 years, and is safe for adults and children if you use it as directed. DEET may be the most effective insect repellent on the market. Children under 2 months of age should not use products with DEET. Do not use DEET on your face or on irritated or cut skin. Do not apply it under clothing. You should apply the repellent to your child by spraying it on your own hands and then rubbing it on your child. Avoid getting it around his eyes, mouth and hands. Do not apply DEET indoors. When you go back indoors, wash the DEET off your skin. Read and follow the label directions carefully when using any insect repellent.
Mosquito Control
Remove all sources of standing water from your yard. This includes rubbish, wading pools, wheelbarrows or old tires. Something as small as a bottle cap can breed mosquitoes. If you have a bird bath in your yard, change the water at least every four days to keep mosquitoes from breeding. If you have a swimming pool or a hot tub, keep it maintained properly with chlorine, and keep it covered when not in use. Make sure your rain gutters are unclogged and flow freely. Citronella candles seem to be effective at preventing mosquito bites, since the mosquitoes are drawn toward the flame. Consider building a bat house or birdhouse so natural predators will take up residence on your property. Examine all the screens on your house and make sure there are no rips or tears where mosquitoes may enter. Do not leave the door to your house open for prolonged periods. Don't open windows that don't have screens to keep out the mosquitoes.
Other Measures
Avoid contact with mosquitoes by staying indoors when mosquitoes are most active. If you do go outside, cover bare skin. Wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts. Sleep in screened areas and use the air conditioner or fan, since mosquitoes do not like to fly against wind. Do not wear perfume when outside, since mosquitoes may be attracted to the fragrance. Do not touch dead birds. If you find a dead bird in your yard, report it to your local health department, because it may be an indicator that the West Nile Virus is in your location.