Ways to Keep the Muscular System Healthy

The muscular system is composed of a series of voluntary and involuntary muscles that accounts for nearly half of our body weight. These muscles are responsible for highly important functions within the body such as movement, blood circulation, and other functions in correlation with other body parts. Keeping a healthy muscular system is an integral part of having a quality health lifestyle.
  1. Types of Muscles

    • Beyond noting that muscles can be voluntary or involuntary there are also three major categories that muscles can also be broken down into. These categories include skeletal muscle, which falls under voluntary movement, smooth muscle, which is involuntary muscle, and also cardiac muscle. Cardiac muscle is technically involuntary but is not classified as either because it does not require conscious thought or certain movements to make it involuntary.

    Foods for Support

    • Whole grains can provide excellent foods that support heart function and speed the metabolism. Foods high in fiber help to lower cholesterol that can block or clog arteries that carry blood. Soluble fiber found in foods such as whole wheat, oats, grain, apples and many others, wraps around cholesterol in the digestive system and passes it through feces when you use the restroom.

      Other foods that are high in antioxidants such as blueberries help to lower oxidation levels in the muscles. High oxidation levels can lead to a build-up of free radicals that can destroy muscle tissue and cause sickness or illnesses to worsen. Protein is also another important factor in maintaining muscular system healthiness. Protein helps to support muscle growth, function and repair in all stages. Eating lean sources of protein such as legumes, fish, skinless turkey and chicken can help you obtain all the necessary proteins you need to sustain and improve muscular health.


    • Just about any type of exercise and movement that isn't hazardous to your health will benefit some part of your muscular system. Lifting light weights that are between 65 and 80 percent of your maximum lifting potential for an exercise can help to keep muscles strong. Heavy weightlifting can help to build muscle but does little to actually increase health rather than increase size and strength. Calisthenics are very beneficial for your body as you are typically using your body weight for exercise purposes. Performing pull-ups, sit-ups, pushups, squats and lunges regularly can keep muscles in tip top shape. This will also improve your overall core strength and health.

      Performing cardio and aerobic exercises is great for involuntary muscles. This will also help to improve heart strength, hence increasing circulation and health directly. It is recommended that you exercise for at least 30 continuous minutes two to three times on a weekly basis.

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