How Is Noble Gas Used?
Important uses of noble gases are given below.
Uses of Helium
It is used in gas-cooled atomic reactors as a heat transfer gas or a cooling medium. It has high thermal conductivity and low viscosity. It remains unaffected by irritation. It is inert in nature and hence does not undergo corrosion.
Mixed with oxygen, it is used in the treatment of asthma. Being light, the gas diffuses more rapidly than air through the partly chocked lung passages. The mixture of helium and oxygen is used in artificial breathing of asthma patients.
Liquid helium is used for producing low temperatures required for many research projects.
It is used in producing inert atmosphere in the welding and metallurgy of certain metals (i.e. Mg, Al, Ti), which are easily oxidized.
Helium is suitable for low-temperature gas thermometry because it has a low boiling point and presents a nearly ideal gas behavior.
Uses of Neon
Neon is used in neon discharge lamps and advertising signs because the neon lights are visible from long distances. Since the light of neon signs has a better penetrating power through fog and mist, the neon signs are also used in beacon lights for the safety of air and sea navigation.
Uses of Argon
A mixture of argon with 15 percent nitrogen is used in filling electric bulbs to increase the life of the filament. It is also used in filling fluorescent tubs and radio valves. It is mixed with neon in neon signs to obtain varying colors.
Uses of Krypton
Krypton is used in high efficiency miners' cap lamps. It is also used in filling luminous tubes. Krypton-85, one of the isotopes of Kr, is used in electronic tubes for regulating voltage and for testing leaks. Krypton-85 also is used for measuring thickness of metal and plastic sheeting.
Uses of Xenon
Xenon is used in discharge tubes for producing high speed flash of bluish light used in quick photography. Liquid xenon is used in bubble chamber for the detection of gamma photon and neutral mesons.
Uses of Radon
Radon is used in the preparation of ointment for the treatment of cancer and other diseases. Radon is used for photographing the interior of opaque materials for locating the defects in steel castings.