Uses for Radioactivity
Tracer technique
A stable element and its radioactive isotope possesses identical properties, hence a radioactive isotope enters into exactly the same chemical and biological processes as do the corresponding stable atoms. Its ionizing radiation can readily detected by Geiger-Muller counter and, therefore, it can be located at any stage of the reaction. Thus, radioactive tracing has become an extremely sensitive analytical tool. The technique has found application in numerous disciplines of science including chemistry, physics, life science, geological science, and metallurgy.
Isotope dilution method
This is a popular technique in biochemistry and life sciences. It measures the yield of a non-quantitative process or helps in analysis to be performed where no quantitative isolation procedure is known. It is not necessary to isolate the final material quantitatively. Only, a sample large enough to give accurate weight determination (about ten to 20 milligrams) is required.
Activation analysis
Unlike isotope dilution method, in activation analysis, the sample does not require any chemical treatment. It is a non-destructive method of analysis based on the measurement of nuclear properties only. Most elements when irritated by neutrons from a reactor or a neutron generator, give rise to radioactive isotopes with characteristic radiations and modes of decay. This permits qualitative identification and also quantitative analysis by a comparative method.
Test for separations
Radioactive tracers are essential for following the progress and testing the completeness of chemical separation procedures, particularly in case of the synthetic elements.
The complex separation procedure for gold-platinum-iridium mixtures can be conveniently followed and tested, using a tracer of Au.
Surface chemistry
Tracer technique has helped to elucidate the complex processes in action on the surfaces of materials. A correct picture has emerged on the rusting of iron. Use of radioactive chromium-51 in admixture with inactive chromium enables us to understand the role of chromium-51 as an inhibitor for corrosion.
It has been possible to obtain important information regarding self-diffusion of atoms in vapor, liquid, and solid states in several chemical and metallurgical processes with the help of tracer technique.
Reaction kinetics and mechanism
With radioactive arsenic, it has been possible to measure the rate of exchange between arsenious and arsenic acids induced by an iodine catalyst.