Life Cycle of Trichuris Trichiura
The life cycle of the whipworm is simple and it is only 30 days from infection of a human host until the larva reaches adulthood.
Embryonated eggs are ingested from infected soil. Within the soil, the eggs go through two stages of development that takes from two to six weeks, depending upon environmental conditions. Once ingested by a human host through soil-contaminated hands or food, the eggs hatch in the small intestines.
Once within the digestive tract of a human, Trichuris trichiura larva will hatch from the eggs within three to 10 days. The Trichuris trichiura larva then migrates to the human colon where it will remain until it matures and begins reproduction.
After maturing into their adult stage, the whipworms attach themselves to the human colon, growing to about four centimeters in length. The lifespan of an adult whipworm is about one year. In its adult form, the Trichuris trichiura will have a tapered shape, from which the name whipworm is derived.
Once the Trichuris trichiura adult worms reach sexual maturity, they begin mating. About 60 to 70 days after infection of the human host, the adult female whipworms begin to lay eggs, producing between 3,000 and 20,000 eggs per day. These eggs then pass into the stool.
Humans are the only known host of Trichuris trichiura. Symptoms of a whipworm infection may include abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, loss of appetite, pallor and anemia in those who are heavily infected. However, in many people who are infected, there are no symptoms.
A physician will examine a stool sample under a microscope to determine if whipworm infection is present. Treatment generally includes prescription Vermox or Combantrin-1. These are medications that contain mebendazole.