How to Disable a Stun Gun

A stun gun, also known as an electroshock weapon, uses a brief, high-voltage discharge from a low-current system to temporarily incapacitate a person by interfering with the communication between that person's brain, nerves and muscles. Whether someone uses a stun gun for law enforcement or personal safety, understanding the basic ways to disable it can stop accidental discharge and protect against injury.

Things You'll Need

  • Stun gun
  • Safety pin wristband
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      Remove the battery or batteries from your stun gun when stored or not in use. Most stun guns require one or more 9-volt batteries to work; without the batteries, the gun can't produce a charge.

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      Turn the safety switch on. As with projectile guns, most stun guns have a built-in safety switch that locks the stun gun's trigger.

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      Use a stun gun that comes with a safety pin. Pull the safety pin when the stun gun is stored or not in use. Many stun guns come with a safety pin that also locks the trigger or disables the unit completely. Without the safety pin in place, a stun gun can't discharge--even if the safety switch is off or the gun's power switch is on.

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      Wear the wristband attached to the safety pin when carrying your stun gun. The safety pin automatically pulls out when an attacker takes your gun and attempts to use it on you.

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      Purchase a pen or flashlight stun gun that has a protective metal-lined cap. Pen and flashlight stun guns with this feature can't discharge as long as the cap remains tightly fitted at the tip of the gun. In addition, after firing your gun, the metal lining of the refitted cap protects users from accidental shock by dispersing any electric current that remains in the gun.

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