Police Safety Tips
Let there be light, light and more light. Exterior lighting around a house deters burglars. Motion-detector lights will scare away anyone skulking around your property. Make sure to trim shrubbery so lighting is not blocked. Leaving a light on inside your house also gives the impression someone is home and awake. Cars parked in driveways or on the street should be parked as close to a light source as possible, whether that source is an exterior spotlight or a streetlight.
Vehicle Safety
Park in areas that are well-lit and populated. Always lock your car and never leave it running with the keys inside, not even for a few seconds. Do not leave any thing of value on the seats, dashboard or floor in view of would-be thieves. Take laptop computers, MP3 players, GPS devices, cameras and other such items with you, or place them in the trunk. Don't leave change in the change holder.
Purse and Wallet Protection
Carry wallets and money clips in a front pocket--never in a back pocket. Back pockets are easy targets for pickpockets. Place a rubber band around a smooth leather wallet to create friction should someone try to lift the wallet from your pocket. Wallet chains deter pickpockets too.
Purses should have tops that close with either zippers or snaps. Bag-style purses are an open invitation to thieves. Carry a purse close to the front of your body. Don't let shoulder strap purses rest on your back hip. Never leave a purse hanging over a chair or booth at a restaurant, and never set it on the floor. Keep it in your lap or in a seat next to you.
Personal Safety
Don't walk alone at night. The bigger the group, the safer the individuals in that group. Ask for an escort from a bar or restaurant establishment if you are leaving alone. Wait inside an establishment if you are waiting for a taxi, bus or ride from a friend. Walk only in well-lit areas. Stay out of alleys and avoid industrial areas or streets where businesses are closed for the night. Keep a cell phone handy for emergency calls. Carry a whistle or a portable alarm to sound if you feel threatened.
Children walking to school should always take the designated route their school or parents determined. Children should not take shortcuts through alleys or parking lots.
A dog is not only man's best friend, it can be man's best protector. Burglars and street thieves don't want the hassle of a barking and possibly biting dog. Any dog of any size is enough to send a criminal searching for a less troublesome target.